7 Things You'll Need To Do If Your City Uses Magnesium Chloride

Many cities in snowy parts of the country are switching from sodium chloride (rock salt) to brine, a solution that contains magnesium chloride. The brine solution is cheaper, easier to apply and is gentler to paved surfaces. In these cities – where the freeze-thaw cycle creates potholes by shrinking and expanding the pavement – sodium chloride exacerbates the road damage by further eroding the holes in the road. Magnesium chloride doesn't really affect the fissures in the road's surface and there is less waste when it's applied, making it more economical.

While this is great news for the roads,it's bad news for drivers. Magnesium chloride may be gentler on pavement, but it's rougher on cars.

AUTOTRIZ Canada partners with SHC Autographx

AUTOTRIZ Canada partners with SHC Autographx

SHC has become the exclusive dealer for Vancouver Island to market the AUTOTRIZ line of ceramic coatings to auto dealerships and detail studios and train their personnel to become certified installers. SHC also provides AUTOTRIZ installation services to auto dealerships who do not want to handle the application process themselves.